Legal Notes
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Intellectual property and rights of use

The content including pictures and the design of the carValoo GmbH website are subject to copyright protection and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. This website does not grant any license to use the intellectual property owned by carValoo GmbH. In particular, duplication, distribution, reproduction, transmission, processing, modification, or any other use of the content on this website for commercial purposes without written permission from carValoo GmbH is not permitted.



Unless otherwise indicated, all of the trademarks used on the carValoo GmbH website are protected by trademark law and may not be used without written permission from carValoo GmbH. The same applies to company logos and signs.



The information that carValoo GmbH presents to you on this website is compiled and updated periodically. Despite the utmost care, we cannot guarantee the content of this website to be free of errors. There is no warranty of merchantability, no warranty of fitness for a particular use, and no other warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the information or any aspect of this website. The content does not constitute a pledge or guarantee with regard to our products, especially concerning their marketability or their contractual suitability for a specific purpose. Any forward-looking statements on our website are based solely on opinions, (preliminary) estimates, or assumptions on the part of management at carValoo GmbH. As such, they are subject to risks and uncertainties. carValoo GmbH is not obliged to update such forward-looking statements. carValoo GmbH reserves the right to undertake alterations or additions to the information or data provided at all times without further notice.

This website references third-party providers, in some cases by means of hyperlinks. carValoo GmbH has no influence over the content of third-party websites. For this reason, carValoo GmbH disclaims all liability regarding the content and data protection practices of the third-party websites to which it links. Before you use third-party websites, we recommend that you review the relevant terms and conditions and data protection provisions of said providers.