Operate fleets effectively with carValoo’s unique damage detection and smart vehicle analytics.
Damage Detection, AI in Fleet, Claims Management, Fleet Management
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AI-based Damage Detection for Fleet Vehicles

Operate fleets effectively with the unique carvaloo® damage detection and smart vehicle analytics.

Get in touch


carvaloo® uses acceleration data and sophisticated AI algorithms to detect even minor damage to vehicles the moment it occurs. The award-winning technology enables providers of car sharing, rental and logistics services to allocate damage to the person who caused it, ensuring fairness, security and efficiency in mobility.


Reliable detection of damage in real time

Extensive damage reporting

Holistic process from notification to claim

Minimal use of sensors in the vehicle

APIs for seamless process integration

AI-based Damage Detection


The Data

Data Box

We equip vehicles with motions sensors to generate acceleration data and send them to the carvaloo® Cloud. Our hardware adapts to the customers needs in terms of location and connection. If there is already hardware on board, we integrate.

The Magic


carvaloo® uses the most advanced techniques on data analytics & AI in order to identify even minor damages such as scratches and dents, possible misuse and other safety-relevant events. We notify you in real time for you to take action.

The UI

UI Tablet

The carvaloo® WebApp aggregates all relevant information about your vehicles statuses, damage events and follow-up processes in one place. We customize to your fleet and business needs. Use our award winning UI or integrate our insights into your existing tools via API – it’s up to you.




– Who is my driver/client?

– How is the driver/client treating the car?

– Can I prove who caused the damage

– Is the damage limited to the visible part of it?

– Time gap after no contact returns (e.g. nighttime)



– Inspections are superficial and do not reveal the course of damage

– High manual workload, especially in peak times

– Most vehicles are not damaged

– Paper based docum–entation process

– Long clearing process for the client


Car Sharing

Save Money: Reconstruct damage events and assign them to the causer
Increase Safety: Detect damages, misuse and service needs instantly
Boost Efficiency: Automate inspection and repair processes
Improve Occupancy: Allocate vehicles efficiently where they are needed


Save Money: Detect damages and misuse events and achieve high claiming success
Boost Efficiency: Check vehicles only where you expect damages or service needs
Happy Customers: Contactless returns and automatic deposit clearing processes for vehicles with no damage
Increase Revenues: Achieve higher remarketing values with a true digital car CV

Last Mile Delivery

Increase Safety: Detect damages and service needs instantly
Boost Efficiency: Minimize manual efforts of visual checks after tours and digitize damage documentation
Save Money: Increase driver awareness and reduce fleet insurance cost 
Increase Revenues: Achieve higher remarketing values with a true digital car CV


• Boost Efficiency: Automate claims processes based on damage information
Save Money: Reduce risk in your fleet vehicle portfolio
Increase Revenues: Improve your pricing competitiveness
Happy Customers: Have instant information on upcoming claims and adapt your services


Be Ahead: Integrate real time damage detection in your vehicles
Be Attractive: Make your vehicles more attractive for fleet customers
Be Connected: Connect your vehicles with insurance companies, dealerships and repair networks
Damage Detection

Precisely detect 95% of all damages to your vehicles and successfully assign them to the causer

Manual Efforts

Eliminate more than 90% of unnecessary visual damage checks


Get maximum transparency over your vehicles condition with minimum manual efforts


Known from:

From notification to payment processing, digital claims management solutions are becoming increasingly popular, even among small fleets.
Interview with Dr. Tom Althoff (Managing Director Sales), Nico Schön (Managing Director Operations) and Jakob Otting (Head of Sales) at carValoo GmbH in Essen, Germany.
Car-sharing companies and fleet operators often don’t know when and how damages to their vehicles happen. A thyssenkrupp subsidiary wants to change that: with a sensor in the car – and artificial intelligence.




carvaloo is a Germany based tech company specialized in data driven fleet services. Originally born from thyssenkrupp Automotive Technology, vehicle dynamics and automotive knowledge are deeply rooted in our DNA.


We provide high precision damage detection & seamless transparency over all vehicles in a fleet throughout their entire lifecycle – fully automated and in real time.


Our partners are all companies that operate and manage fleets as well as mobility providers in the sectors of Car Sharing, Car Rentals, Ride Hailing, Car Leasing, Insurance, Last Mile Delivery and Public Transport.